Borewell Scanning
  • A perfect High definition colour scanning system along with on spot audio mixing and DVD recording.
  • Scanning can be done upto 1650 feet. Power supply not necessary.
  • A review of the borewell from an expert with 20 years of experience in borewell services.
  • Only facts will be reported and no misleading.
  • We suggest the solutions to the problematic borewells.
Borewell services
  • We also do installation of slotted pipe (for Silt issues in borewell).
  • Pumpset installation and erection. We supply branded pumpsets and other materials.
  • The hose pipe strucked by silt formation will be removed after cleaaring the silt.
  • We take off the motor and pipe fallen into the borewell on contract basis.
  • We do provide solutions to problematic borewells on contract basis.
New Borewell Pumpsets & Automation Systems
  • We have complete wide range of borewell pumpset single phase & 3 phase ranging from 1 HP to 40 HP.
  • A complete control over the pumpset i.e turning ON and turning OFF.
  • It senses the water availability and turns OFF the motor when water source is not available.
  • Turns ON the motor periodically with variable set-time Knob.
  • No need to Turn ON and Turn OFF, motor runs whenever water  is available. 
  • We can install along with overhead tank water level control system.

Borewell Drilling Services

Contact : Nanda Kumar K V
                    +91 95383 83839
                    +91 99804 61414

Scanning DVD will be done on SPOT.
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Nanda Kumar K V

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